Donating houses of love and supporting livelihoods for poor ethnic minority households

Children Are Innocent Fund and a number of national and international benefactors have just held a ceremony to give houses of love, economic models, and water wells to households of Ho Van Thong and Ho Thi Nghiem in Ra Po village, Xy commune., Huong Hoa district; and at the same time, to give community water tanks to the people of Xy commune with a total value of over 226 million VND, of which the Children Are Innocent Fund supported over 139 million VND.

 Giving a house of love to the family of Mr. Thong and Ms. Nghiem- Photo: KS

Giving a house of love to the family of Mr. Thong and Ms. Nghiem- Photo: KS

Mr. Ho Van Thong's family is ranked a poor household, with a daughter named Ho Thi Anh Thu (5 years old), who is suffering from a very serious skin disease. A number of national and international benefactors have called for a financial support and directly taken the child for timely treatment. Faced with that situation, the Children Are Innocent Fund and a number of benefactors have collaborated to build a house of love for Mr. Thong's family (comprising of a house, hygienic toilet, and bathroom) and an economic model comprising of : livestock barns with 5 goats and 30 breeding geese, 1 drilled well to help them to develop economic conditions and stabilize their lives.

As for the economic model, Mr. Thong's family committed to ensure effective sanitation of barns and livestock. Each year, after the mother goat gives birth, one child goat must be donated to another household with difficult circumstances in the commune. The family can sell the rest o earn money, but they must ensure the number of goats in the barn should be 5 at the minimum.

In addition, realizing that Xy commune faces with a serious lack of clean water, making many children to suffer from severe skin diseases, the Children Are Innocent Fund and some donators have built a water tank to help people access the clean water for living. On this occasion, the delegation also gave 25 gifts to 25 poor households and International Children's Day gifts to children in Xy commune.

It is known that over the past time, the Children Are Innocent Fund has cooperated with a number of national and international beneficent individual and organizations have carried out many practical activities to help ethnic minorities in Quang Tri, such as donating houses of love and clean water tanks ... with a total value of tens billion VND.

Kan Suong

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