Storm emergency response drills

In Vinh Tu commune, Vinh Linh district, Quang Tri province, the Red Cross (Red Cross) province cooperated with the Red Cross of Vinh Linh District to organize emergency response drills for storms. Activities under the project 'Improving emergency response capacity for Vietnam Red Cross (VNRC) phase III' funded by the United States Agency for International Development.

 Practice against housing to respond to emergency storms -Photo: Nguyen Trang

Practice against housing to respond to emergency storms -Photo: Nguyen Trang

Participating in the exercise were nearly 170 members of the command of natural disaster prevention - search and rescue (fire prevention and fighting), disaster response team, organizations, unions, schools and people. The content of the exercise focused on emergency response to storms in 3 phases. Stage 1: Operate the mechanism of the Command for Information and Rescue. Stage 2: practicing building against housing, relocating people from high-risk areas, giving first aid to injured people, and rescuing on rivers and lakes. Stage 3: Meeting to quickly assess the damage situation and identify the need for urgent relief.

Through the rehearsal course to improve the organizational, commanding and executive capacity of the grassroots fire prevention and fighting commanding committee and the role of mass organizations in response to storms. Increasing the people's awareness of proactively preventing and being ready to respond when situations arise. Promote the ability to mobilize synergy under the motto "4 on the spot". Since then, effectively implementing the task of coping with natural disasters and disasters, ensuring safety for the community.

Nguyen Trang

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